News Update :

Positive Self Instruction for Better Golf

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, December 7, 2013 | 11:35 AM

Saturday, December 7, 2013

by Nick Rosa, Ph.D How we mentally instruct ourselves can either hurt or help our game. Where applicable, making a simple adjustment in our self-talk strategy will improve our performance.   Before suggesting the strategy change, I'd like you to say two things to yourself. First, say
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Visualization: Tools of the Trade

Saturday, December 7, 2013

by Nick Rosa, Ph.D Visual imagery (visualization) is frequently recommended by sport psychologists to help golfers maximize performance. Just as a specific type of wrench is recommended for a given purpose, so should the sport psychologist recommend a specific type of visualization for a give
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Meditation for Golfers?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

by Nick Rosa, Ph.D Have you tried meditation to improve your golf game? "You've got to be kidding!" is a typical response. However, after understanding the benefits derived from as little as 10 minutes of meditation, most golfers are willing to give it a try. And, as a reward, they find their
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Transferring Your Driving Range Ability to the Golf Course.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

by Nick Rosa, Ph.D This article is a response to the following question: I have a major problem getting myself from being too stiff while on the course (no problem on the driving range.) This causes me to not turn my shoulders and there "fore" reverse pivot and I'm trying to hit the ball r
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Losing Focus After A Great Front Nine?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

by Nick Rosa, Ph.D   This article is a response to the following question: I just recently had a round where I shot 1 over on the front nine and proceeded to hack up the back pretty badly. All I could think about was my final score and the possibilities of how low it could be. I tried to s
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