News Update :

Fixing the Slice with a Driver

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, December 13, 2013 | 11:27 PM

Friday, December 13, 2013

Some golfers who hit the ball straight with every club except the driver. Unfortunately, the driver is the easiest club to hit a slice.   The loft of the driver has a lot to do with it. Of course, the longer shaft will make it harder to square the face at impact, but the sahft length has a
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The Tips to Fix a Slice: Use Your Right Palm

Friday, December 13, 2013

Let's use your right palm to fix your slice. If you are left- handed, focus on your left palm.   Clubface Angle and Your Right Palm   The cause of your slice is the open face at impact. If you can control your clubface angle during the swing, you'll be able to hit any kind of shots y
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Looking Up and Hoe to Fix Your Slice

Friday, December 13, 2013

One of the common faults you see among slicers is looking up at impact. However, even if you just keep your head down through impact, you might still slice the ball.   The reason why golfers look up is different from person to person. But if you just focus on the angle that your face is poi
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How to Square and Close the Clubface at Impact

Friday, December 13, 2013

To hit the straight shot, you need to make sure your clubface is square at impact. But that's the hardest thing to do in golf. Because the clubface  far away from you and moving at the fast speed, you might find it difficult to control the clubface at impact and don't know what is happe
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How to Close Your Clubface into Impact to Fix Slice

Friday, December 13, 2013

Fixing your slice could be frustrating sometimes. I used to fight slice for a long time when I was in college.   I tried everything I could for more than a few years, but I wasn't able to fix it. I almost gave up trying.   I received the email from a golfer one day. He told me that h
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Hitting Slice with the Inside-Out Golf Swing

Friday, December 13, 2013

Most players understand that the outside-in golf swing will lead to a slice.   So teachers might tell you to swing inside-out to fix your slice. In this fixes your slice, that's nice. But in most cases, inside-out swing will cause even bigger slices for slicers.   By hitting slices w
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The Interesting Drill to Fix Your Slice

Friday, December 13, 2013

All the slicers have their clubface open during their golf swing. If they are able to close their clubface, they will be able to turn their slice into a  straight shot.   At Address Please stand in front of a mirror and take your normal address position. You can do this with your club
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The Advanced Way to Hit a Draw and Fade

Friday, December 13, 2013

There are many ways to hit a draw and a fade. Probably, the most popular way to hit them is to open your close the clubface at address.   Jack Nicklaus did it that way. For most players, that is the easiest way to do it. But some players prefer other methods.   Changing the Position
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Why You Hit Slices with a Closed Clubface at Address?

Friday, December 13, 2013

The reason why you slice is because you have your clubface open at impact. This adds side spin (slice spin) on the ball, and the ba;; curves to the right.   So to fix your slice, you are going to close your clubface at impact.   One way to fix the open clubface at impact is to set yo
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How to Fix Slice using Light Grip Pressure

Friday, December 13, 2013

There are players who fixed their slice using lighter grip pressure.   Most amateurs grip the club too hard. On the other hand, pros never grip the club too hard.   The bad thing about griping it too hard is that it makes it harder to feel the clubface angle and the weight of the clu
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How to Cure Push-Slice with the Correct Backswing

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Key is in Your Backswing I believe one of the reasons why you hit push-slices is in your backswing.     The problem is the lack of turning your body or shoulders during the backswing.   When you look at pros' backswing, at the top of their backswing, their left shoulder is
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Driver: Tee Height and 4 Ways to Set up

Friday, December 13, 2013

There are many methods for tee height for a driver shot. But I don't think there is one correct tee height for everyone. The correct height should be different from person to person. The proper tee height should be different depending on the type of shots you prefer to hit. For a draw, you shou
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