News Update :

Hit a Big Slice to Fix Your Hooks

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, December 20, 2013 | 3:50 PM

Friday, December 20, 2013

If you are hooking the ball, you might want to try hitting a big slice to fix it. Most golfers try hitting it straight. But instead of trying to hit it straight, you should learn to fade the ball. Once you understand how you can change your ball flight, you will better understand how to fix your h
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The Easy Way to Fix Your Hook

Friday, December 20, 2013

A hook shot is usually a good player's fault. Most golfers are slicers. The good thing is that hooks are easier to fix than slices. The reason why you hit a hook is because you closed your clubface at impact. This puts hook spin on the ball. At address, I suppose you set your clubface to the targe
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How to Hit a 3-Wood

Friday, December 20, 2013

When I was in college, lots of golfers carried long irons. But nowadays, most golfers have 5-wood, 7-wood, and utility/hybrid clubs instead. Some golfers are good at hitting them. But when you give them 3-wood, they can't hit them so well. If you do well with 5-wood but not with 3-wood, you must b
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How to Hit a 5 Wood

Friday, December 20, 2013

Tiger Wood once talked about how he hit his 5 wood. He mentioned 4 key points. 1. Position the ball few inches inside left heel 2. Make sure your right shoulder is lower than left at address 3. Keep your chin up at address during the golf swing 4. It's ok to take thin divot with a slightly des
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How to Hit Straight Shot with your Irons

Friday, December 20, 2013

Tiger Woods once said that there are several keys to hitting good irons shot, but the most important key of all is to understand how the back if your left hand works at impact. If the back of left hand faces target at impact, you are likely to hit it straight. If the back of your left hand facces
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Correct Tee Height for Fairway Woods, Hybrids, Irons

Friday, December 20, 2013

Fairway Woods Do you ever wonder how high you should tee the ball with your 3 wood, 5 wood or any other fairway woods?   One of the best female golfers in the history of golf, Annika Sorenstam said you should tee the ball so that the half of the ball is above the top of your fairway woods.
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Why Pros Hit Their Irons so Far?

Friday, December 20, 2013

When watching PGA tour on TV, sometimes we are surprised by the distance that the pros hit with their iron. Pros can easily hit their 7 iron over 170 yards or more. That's really surprising for amateurs. Of course, pros do lots of training and have faster clubhead speed than most amateurs. But tha
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How to Hit Irons Against the Wind

Friday, December 20, 2013

When hitting into the wind, you will lose some distance. So you need to take more clubs. The tendency is to swing harder because you think the ball won't go as far as you normally hit. But if you hit it harder, you will add more backspin on the ball. This will cause the ball to go higher in the ai
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How to Hit a Solid and Strong Iron Shot

Friday, December 20, 2013

It feels so good to catch the ball solid with your irons. Years ago, I saw one of the PGA Tour pros practicing at the driving range. He was practicing with his feet close together. It surprised me to see that the quality of the shot is not so different from regular shots he was hitting with a norm
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Tips and Drills to Hit it with a Descending Blow

Friday, December 20, 2013

Lots of teachers will tell you to hit our irons with a descending blow. But what is a descending blow? To hit it with a descending blow, you need to hit the ball before the clubhead reaches its lowest point of the swing arc. You hit the ball first and then take a shallow divot. You don't want to h
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The Secrets to Increasing Distance of Your 7-Iron

Friday, December 20, 2013

Most amateurs lack distance with their 7-iron. Especially if you are slicer, you have lots of potential to increase your distance with your 7-iron and other iron as well. There are few keys to check.   Why You are Losing Distance Why do most players lack distance with their 7-iron? The mo
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