News Update :

How to Escape from a Buried Lie in Sand

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, December 21, 2013 | 10:35 AM

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hitting from buried lie seems hard, but it doesn't have to be. There are two ways to get out from this lie.   1. Using square face Set up with square face instead of open face like regular bunker shots. You want to line up your feet and shoulders parallel to the target line as well. Aim at
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How to Hit High or Low Bunker Shots

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hitting it High   To hit it higher, you need to adjust your set-up. 1. Open your face more. Also, open your shoulders and feet more as well 2. When gripping, open your face before gripping the club 3. To hit it extra high, widen your stance a bit more 4. Try to aim 1 or 2 inches behind
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Hitting Bunker Shots on Uphill or Downhill Lie

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hitting from uphill lie or downhill lie is not as hard as you may think. The key is not to fight against the slope.   Uphill Lie   Address: From uphill lie, the important key is to set your shoulders, waist and knees parallel to the sloper. So your right shoulder will be much lower
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How to Stop Topping the Golf Ball

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Topping the golf ball is a common fault you see among average players. Some teachers say that topping is a good player's mistake. If you swing from inside out, your bad shots tend to be topping the golf ball. But if you swing from outside to in, it's easier to hit it fat than topping it. But I kno
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Tips and Drills to Fix Topping the Golf Ball

Saturday, December 21, 2013

One of the reasons you top the ball and don't hit it on the sweet spot is too much body movement during the golf swing. When you slide to right during the backswing, the axis of your golf swing will also move to the right. If this happens during the backswing, you need to slide back to hit the bal
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Can't hit it on the Sweet Spot

Saturday, December 21, 2013

When you feel like you can't hit it as far as you usually hit on the driving range, you might start to swing faster or harder in order to get more distance. But if you are not hitting it well, you need to do the opposite.   How Tiger Wood's Practices Long Irons At the golf clinic, Tiger W
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Fixing a Whiff or Topped Shots

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Whiff is an air shot where a golfer completely misses a ball. Whiff can happen a lot to a beginner. After playing golf for a while, you probably won't miss a ball a lot, but you may hit lots of topped shots instead. One of the reason why you miss a golf ball or hit the topped shots is lifting your
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How to Cure Fat Shots

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fat shots are often caused by the swing that is outside in. When you cut across the ball or hit down on the ball, your clubhead will come down to the ball with a steep angle of approach. So it's hard to make consistent contact at  impact. That's why golfers who slice the ball also hit it fat
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Cure Fat Shots and Slice at the Same Time

Saturday, December 21, 2013

If you tend to hit fat shots and slice, there is a good chance that you are swinging it from outside in. In other words, you are coming over the top. Cutting across the ball will cause slice. Golfers with this type of swing usually hit more fat shots than topped shots.   On the other hand,
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Hitting Fat Shots with Short Irons

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Short Irons are basically easy to hit. It's very forgiving because they have more loft and shorter shaft than other irons. But some golfers struggle with fat shots with short irons.   There are many reasons for this. But I see two common faults for hitting fat shots with short irons. &nbs
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How to Fix your Hook

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hooking is really generally player's fault. When you see golfers who hook the ball, you'll find some common faults. If you hook the ball and want to fix it, see if you have any of the problems below.   1.Grip The biggest cause for hooking is the grip that is too strong for you. You can re
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The Causes of Duck Hook and How to Fix it

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The direct cause of duck hook is a closed clubface at impact. There are two types of cause. 1. Clubface is closed at impactc + Swing path is inside in 2. Clubface is extremely closed + Swing path is either inside out or inside in   Golfers hitting duck hooks tend to hit a hook or draw on
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If you are having Hard Time Fixing Strong Grip

Saturday, December 21, 2013

To fix your hooks, you need to change your grip. The grip that is too strong will cause closed clubface at impact. However, as you know, it's hard to change your habit. Some golfers tell me they changed their grip, but I don't see any changes. If you comfortable with your grip after changing it to
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