News Update :

Right Arm Drill for more Power

Penulis : Unknown on Monday, December 9, 2013 | 10:56 PM

Monday, December 9, 2013

If you want to increase your distance, you might want to try right arm drill.   Here is how to do it. 1. Put your left hand on your waist 2. Grip 9-iron with your right hand only 3. Take 20 practice swings   By swinging with your right hand only, you will feel the weight of the cl
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How to Use the Weighted Golf Club

Monday, December 9, 2013

The weighted golf clubs are used by lots of pros and amateurs to train their muscles.   But there are few rules when using a weighted club. If you see use it incorrectly, you won't get any results.   1. Swing slowly Tiger Woods said when he swings a weighted club, he tries to swing
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Bubba Watson's Secret Hitting over 310 Yards

Monday, December 9, 2013

Bubba Watson is known as one of the longest hitters on the PGA Tour. Since he became to the PGA Tour, he had finished 1st or 2nd in driving distance. At 2010 Sony Open, he hit it 416 yards.   When he needs extra distance off the tee, he changes his set-up.   His secret to extra dista
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How to Regain or Increase Your Clubhead Speed

Monday, December 9, 2013

Some players have problems increasing their clubhead speed. No matter how hard they try to swing a golf club, they feel like they are still losing some clubhead speed.   When you see them swing, you don't notice any changes in their golf swing.   So what's the problem?   Often
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How to Train Golf Muscles: Lower Body

Monday, December 9, 2013

Long hitters have strong lower body without exception. They have strong quadriceps muscles (upper leg muscle) to hit the ball a long way.   The muscles of the lower body have an important role in your golf swing. You can try hitting the balls with your driver while sitting on the chair. You
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The Easy Way to Gain More Distance off the Tee

Monday, December 9, 2013

Every golfer wants more distance off the tee. Even pros are seeking to get more distance.   To increase your distance with your driver or irons, what do you need to do?   Nowadays, pros spend lots of time training themselves. Some players dramatically increased their distance by trai
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How can a Female Golfer Increase Driving Distance

Monday, December 9, 2013

Female golfers often have problems with lack of distance off the tee with a driver or from the fairway with an iron.   Especially female golfers who didn't play other sports have problems increasing their distance.   But there are ways to increase your distance even though you don't
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How to Add More Backspin on the Ball

Monday, December 9, 2013

When playing fast greens, you need to put more backspin on the ball to make it stop quickly on the green.   It might look cool to spin it back, but too much backspin can harm your score more often. So I try not to put too much backspin on the ball. I want the ball to skip once and stop. &n
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How to Hit the Ball Low or High

Monday, December 9, 2013

There are situations where you nedd to hit the shot high to get over the trees or hit it lower against the headwind.   Hitting it Lower Hitting against the headwind, you want to keep the ball lower than normal. When I absolutely have to hit it straight to avoid hazards on both side, I try
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How Phil Mickelson Hits a fade or a Draw

Monday, December 9, 2013

There are more than a few ways to hit a fade and a draw. Today, I like to show you how Phil Mickelson hits his draw or fade.   His method is for advanced players.   Hitting a Fade To hit a fade, he moves his ball slightly forward his stance. And on the downsing, he tries to slide a
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What is the Ideal Ball Flight?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Ben Horgan was known for hitting a fade. But when Mark O'meara who won 2 majors asked Ben Horgan what is the ideal ball flight, Horgan told him that the draw from right to left is the ideal ball flight.   Horgan said that because the clubhead comes from inside the target line, and after it
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How Lie Angle Affects Your Ball Fight

Monday, December 9, 2013

The lie angle is the angle between the shaft and the sole of the clubhead. It can be either flat, correct or upright for you.   The correct lie angle is determined by many factors such as height, arm length, leg lenth, grip, posture and so on.   When It's Too Flat If the lie angle i
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Take One Side out of Play

Monday, December 9, 2013

Lee Trevino didn't have a teacher when he grew up. He taught himself. He later said by practicing more than his opponents, he gained confidence.   He was known as a fade hitter. At the tournament, he had the strategy to eliminate one side out of play.   He was hitting the ball from l
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The Chip Shot with a Hook Spin

Monday, December 9, 2013

Payne Stewart used to hit the chip shots with a hook spin on the ball. It might be difficult shot to hit the beginner. But if you are advanced players, you might want to give it a try.   Here is how you can hit this shot. 1. Position your ball little back of the center 2. Take a narrow st
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Breathing: How to Breathe during the Golf Swing

Monday, December 9, 2013

You may wonder how you should breathe during the golf swing. Should you breathe before you start your takeaway or breathe out?   I usually don't pay too much attention to my breathing at least during the golf swing. But before I start my swing, I try to keep a deep breath.    Th
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How to Hit Straight Shot on Demand

Monday, December 9, 2013

Hitting the straight shot is one of the most difficult shots to hit in golf. In fact, most pros normally don't hit the dead straight shots. They have either a tiny draw or a tiny fade even if the shot looks straight. So I don't recommend you try to hit the dead straight shots on every shot you hi
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4 Keys that Rory McIlory Cares About

Monday, December 9, 2013

Rory McIlory won the U.S. Open at the age of 22 with a record score of 16-under-par on his way to an eight-shot victory.   He is only 5-feet-10, but he is known as a long hitter with the average driving distance over 300 yards.   Here are 4 keys that Rory McIlory works on how he trai
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How to Hit the Stinger Shot

Monday, December 9, 2013

A stinger shot is the shot that flies low to the ground and runs a lot once it hits the ground. The advantage of a stinger is that it can bore into the wind, it runs a lot once it hits the ground and it can also give you more control without sacrificing the distance. If you can master the techni
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2 Ways to Hit the Ball Low

Monday, December 9, 2013

I often hit the ball low because of two reasons. 1. You can control the shots better with low shots. 2. Even if the shots curved to the right or left, it doesn't curve as much as the normal shots. With your long irons or hybrid clubs, you might want to hit it higher to stop the ball on the gre
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Visualization Technique in Golf

Monday, December 9, 2013

In golf like other sports, lots of top players use visualization technique to hit shots. Jack Nicklaus used this technique before every shot. He said, "going to the movie." He was seeing the shot in his mind before he actually hit it. Tiger Woods uses this technique as well.   The Interes
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