News Update :

Stop Reverse C Finish

Penulis : Unknown on Sunday, December 29, 2013 | 8:38 PM

Sunday, December 29, 2013

When I started playing golf, lots of golfers had a reverse c finish because Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson and other great players had reverse c finish. But nowadays, with the new technology in golf clubs, you don't really need to finish in a reverse c position. This type of finish may hurt back also.
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How to Fold Your Left Arm during the Follow Through

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lots of teachers will tell you to fold your left arm after impact. It's important to fold your left arm to increase clubhead speed. If you can't fold your left arm, that means you are leaving the clubface open during the impact. The root cause for this problem might be in your grip, ball position
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How to Fix the Golf Swing Plane

Sunday, December 29, 2013

There are lots of theories for swing plane. One plane, two plane, flat, upright and so on. I sued to have very glat swing plane on the half way of the backswing. At that time, I was struggling with a slice. So I had to swing more upright going back. I tried to do that for more than 1 year but neve
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Fixing the Handsy Golf Swing

Sunday, December 29, 2013

 Some golfers have less rotation of their body and swing too much with their arms. When you do that, you'll have less weight shift. You won't hit it very far from there. The reason why you forget to turn your body and shift weight may be different from person to person. Some golfers have too
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Practice Swing and Real Swing

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Do you take a practice swing before hitting a shot? Why do you take practice swings? Are there any benefits for it?   Tiger Woods was Wasting Practice Swings Tiger Woods said he was wasting  his practice swings even after he turned pro. He said he didn't realize the importance of it a
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How to Hit it 300 Yards like Adam Scott

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Adam Scott is often compared to Tiger Woods. Their golf swings are alike. Like Tiger, Adam has a very flexible body and big turn on the backswing. Adam has a little stronger grip than Tiger. Adam also positions his ball little more forward. At one time, he was averaging 299 yards off the tee. Let'
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Golf Swing Plane Drill

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Take a look at your grip, ball position, posture and alignment first before trying to change swing plane.   Here is a good swing plane drill. Grab 7 iron and grip it as usual Take your right hand off and grip down the shaft Take practice swings When you grip down with your right h
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Which Club Should a Beginner Use for Practice

Sunday, December 29, 2013

If you are a beginner or high handicapper, which club should you use for a practice? To learn the basics of golf swing, I think you should use 6 or 7 iron for a practice.   4 Reasons to Use 6 or 7 Iron for Practice   1. You can use the same swing with other clubs Basically, you shou
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Why Golf Swing Sequence Pictures won't Help You

Sunday, December 29, 2013

I know lots of average golfers who always check golf swing sequence pictures or videos of pros but don't improve much. I think it's a good idea to copy tour player's golf swing. But there is a rule to follow when copying golf swing. I probably have read more magazines and books about golf than any
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Difference in Weight Shift between Pros and Amateurs

Sunday, December 29, 2013

As you know, correct weight transfer is necessary to hit the ball far. If you are lacking distance, you may have incorrect weight shift during the swing. When you look at pros and amateurs, there is a big difference in weight shift. The study done by the researchers from University of Pittsburgh M
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The Secret of the Correct Golf Swing

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hitting it high For instance, if  you want to get the ball airborne, lots of golfers try to swing up or scoop the ball  to help the ball in the air. But if you do this, you are going to top the ball. To hit it high in the air, you have to take advantage of the loft and hit down on it to
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How to Fix Coming Over the Top with the Drill

Penulis : Unknown on Saturday, December 28, 2013 | 7:25 PM

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Coming over the top or hitting from the top is a common mistake for a beginner or high handicapper. When you come over the top, you will cut across the ball and pull it or slice the ball. You won't hit it very far with this type of swing at all. I see this move among low handicappers as well. If y
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How to Choose Proper Shaft Flex

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The shaft flex can influence your ball flight.   How will it Influence Your Shots   Flex is not stiff enough for you: If the shaft flex is too soft for you, the shots will go too high. You will also hook it or block it to the right with this type of shaft.   Flex is too stiff
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Control Distance by Controlling Arm Speed

Saturday, December 28, 2013

It may sound hard to control arm speed and control distance that you hit with each iron. Tiger Woods sometimes practices hitting different clubs to the same distance. First, he picks 150-yard marker as his target. For him, it's a hard 9-iron. So he hits balls with his 9-iron to the target. Next, h
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Inside-out and Outside-in Golf Swing

Saturday, December 28, 2013

You may already know that if your golf swing is outside-in, you will hit a weak slice to the right. If you have outside-in swing, it means you are cutting across the ball. This will put slice spin on the ball. On the other hand, if your clubhead approaches the ball from the inside the target line,
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What to think during the Golf Swing

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Some golfers think about keeping their head down. Others think about shifting their weight on the backswing. I get this kind of question from the readers of this site once in a while. Ideally, I would like to just hit the ball without thinking during my golf swing. When you are in the zone, this m
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How to Transfer Your Weight for More Solid Contact

Saturday, December 28, 2013

When you compare amateurs and pros how they transfer their weight, you will realize that there is a big difference. Here is the date which came from the research done by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.   Position           
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Should You Keep Watching the Ball during the Golf Swing?

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I often hear these golf swing advice "Keep your eyes on the ball."   This is the correct advice, but how should you watch the ball at address, during the backswing and downswing and impact?   Watching the Clubhead Go Back is a Terrible Habit Some golfers watch the clubhead go back a
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The Difference between Chipping and Pitching

Penulis : Unknown on Friday, December 27, 2013 | 7:27 PM

Friday, December 27, 2013

1. Distance Chipping: A Chip shot is usually used near the green. Anywhere from a yard to 30 yards off the green. Pitching: A pitch shot is usually used from more than 30 yard or so from the green.   2. Weight Shift Chipping: No weight shift is needed in general. You put your weight on y
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How to Hit a Chip Shot: 8 Ways to Set Up and 6 Ways to Hit it

Friday, December 27, 2013

8 Ways to Set Up   1. Take a narrow stance When chipping, you don't tansfer your weight. A narrow stance will help you keep your weight on your front during the whole swing.   2. Keep 80% (most) of your weight on your front foot By keeping your weight on your front foot during the
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Use Different Clubs for Chipping

Friday, December 27, 2013

When chipping, lots of players just grab their sand wedge and hit it. But if you use different clubs depending on the situation, it will make chipping so much easier. I usually use sand wedge, pitching wedge, 9 iron, 8 iron, 6 iron and 4 iron. Some golfers are surprised to see me use 4 iron for ch
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Chipping from Thick Rough

Friday, December 27, 2013

Chipping is harder out of the rough. One of the keys to hitting this shot is to make sure you accelerate your clubhead through the grass. I think most players who decelerate their clubhead are not so sure how hard they should hit the ball. That makes them to decelerate. So take 2 or 3 practice swi
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How to Hit a Low, Running Chip Shot

Friday, December 27, 2013

When you have plenty of green to work with, you should use low, running chip shot to roll the ball to the hole. There are many ways to hit this type of shots. Here is the technique that Michelle Wie uses. Whit this low-runner, she tries to keep her hands out of the shot. She uses putting grip and
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How to Fix Fat and Top shot When Chipping

Friday, December 27, 2013

Hitting it fat or topping it when chipping is a common problem for average players. To fix this problem, I recommend you to set up differently than normal. With this technique, we are going to hit the ball with the toe side of your clubface. When you strike the ball toward the toe of the clubface,
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Shanking Chip Shots and How to Cure it

Friday, December 27, 2013

Shanks are caused by hitting the ball on the hosel of the club. Some golfers think they are hitting it off the toe because the ball will go straight to the right but that's really rare case. A lot of times, fixing your set up will cure the shanks with chip shots.   The Cause Golfers who s
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How to Stop Topping your Chip Shots

Friday, December 27, 2013

There are basically two causes for topping chip shots. One is your address. Second cause is trying to scoop the ball in the air. Even the good players do this once in a while. But if you try to lift the ball in the air, you'll end up topping the shots. Because the ball is on the ground, you can hi
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7 Ways to Get Backspin on Your Chip Shots

Friday, December 27, 2013

To hit chip shots with lots of backspin, you need to set up like below. Use softer ball. This is necessary to get lots of backspin Use more lofted club. More loft means more spin. For chip shots, you might want to use your sand wedge. Position your ball off your right fott Put more weight
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How to Cure Fat Chip Shots

Friday, December 27, 2013

Hitting fat chip shots will not only cause you 1 stroke but also damages your confidence. Next time you are in the same kind of situation, you start to think you might hit it fat again. When you start doubting like that, you tend to decelerate through impact causing you to hit it fat. So golfers w
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