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Alternative Method of Playing Bunker Shots - More Than One Way Out

Penulis : Unknown on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 | 8:52 PM


“Quantifying the relative and conflicting effects of putter path and face angle on the direction and motion of the golf ball” – that was our goal in producing a research document based on our own extensive testing
By Dr Paul Hurrion & Jim MacKay

As a PGA Professional of some 40 years, I thought it unlikely that there would ever be any significant changes in swing technique or method. That is a dangerous assumption for a coach; it is vital to a teacher’s development to keep abreast of “new” ideas and innovative swing theories. Be it the “Rotary” swing, “Stack&Tilt” or “One Plane/Two Plane” methods, there is always something to be gleaned that is useful and helps me improve as a coach. To that end, it is vital to keep an open mind and learn from fellow professionals.


Every manual ever written about teaching golf has taught us to play the majority of bunker shots around the green from an ‘open’ stance (i.e. feet, knees, hips and shoulders all running on a line aligned left of the target). Used in conjunction with a short, upright sand iron, the golfer was programmed to do the following;

- To swing across the ball strongly from “out-to-in”
- To employ plenty of wrist cock or hinge
- To make a steep angle of attack to impact
- To cut across the ball describing a fairly “straight-line path”


Here is the address position for the ‘Rotary’ bunker shot; it is played from a wide stance with the weight leaning heavily to my left side. The ball is positioned well forward, opposite my left heel; I will explain why in just a minute!

With the body set square to your target line, the ‘Rotary’ sand shot features a wide stance, weight heavily favouring the left side
Note the ball position – opposite the inside of the left heel. Clubface is square

The biggest difference is the fact that I am playing from an absolutely square stance. The straight white rod is parallel to the ball/target line. You might also be wondering what in the world the curved, D-shaped semi-hoop denotes.

Now we understand the reason for leaning so heavily onto my left foot at address; the shallow angle of attack can enter the sand precisely. If I did not lean to my left I would strike the sand centrally in my stance; leaning left helps me to deliver the leading edge of the sand iron very precisely an inch or two behind the ball. So, here are the first things we need to adjust our mindset towards:
- Address the ball with a “square” stance
- Play the ball well forward, inside the left instep
- Swing the club flat behind you in the backswing
- Swing the club around and across the ball in the through-swing
Now, I know what you are thinking: “Isn’t that a perfect recipe for a shank or a Chinese hook? I cannot blame you, as that is exactly what went through my mind, the first time I saw this technique!
This ‘Rotary’ bunker technique is based totally on rotating the chest to the right in the backswing and then rotating even more strongly in the throughswing. It is absolutely vital that the forearms do not rotate during the backswing and follow-through.

(1) As you can see, in the sequence of shots from down-the-line without a club (above) my thumbs are up at address.
(2) I turn my torso and chest to my right – see how my thumbs are still pointing vertically at the completion of the backswing.
[NOTE: In the inset picture I am demonstrating a disastrous rolling of my thumbs and forearms. The key to the Rotary sand shot is that we turn the body but stop the forearms from rotating!]
(3) Like at address, my thumbs are up at impact, demonstrating that the leading edge of the sand iron will be square or very slightly open as it impacts the sand behind the ball. Again, it is vital not to roll the forearms but to keep the chest and torso turning strongly around to face the target. It is this torso rotation that allows the forearms to remain passive, causing the clubhead to cut across the ball with a circular, scything action.

(4) In the follow-through my thumbs are still up in the same way as the shaft of the sand iron would be vertical. I can only achieve this by ensuring that my torso rotates through impact and leaves my chest pointing towards the flag at the finish of the shot.

ADDRESS: So here is the address position for the ‘Rotary’ bunker shot. My stance is square or parallel to the target line; it is a wide stance where my weight heavily favours my left foot.
HALFWAY BACK: I turn my shoulder line, torso and chest around and behind me in the takeaway. There must be zero forearm rotation and there is also no need for excessive wrist hinge or wrist cock; the wrists can be really quite passive but certainly not stiff.
TOP OF THE BACKSWING. I have coiled my shoulders and torso through a full 90 degrees; the club is ‘toe-up’, to use a phrase. If the face were pointing skywards at this point, it would be a disaster. This rotary bunker shot is all about body rotation going back and an equally strong one through the ball.

IMPACT: Re-rotating the chest and torso through impact is vital; you can play very delicate sand shots without the clubhead stalling at impact. The key is in the acceleration through – just keep turning that chest back and around to face the target.

THROUGH: See how the clubface is slipping across the ball with a circular cutting action. The clubface stays facing the target however; when the ball lands it will release forward rather than spinning sideways.

FULL FOLLOW-THROUGH: Shaft is now pretty vertical and my chest and torso are fully facing the target – just enjoy the view as the ball lands softly by the pin.
As I said at the outset, this article might seem contrary to everything we’ve been taught in the past. It took me some time to understand why it works and still longer to develop the belief to use it.
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